The Magione Basilica
In the Kalsa quarter of the city, a few steps from the central train station, stands the Basilica of the Holy Trinity, usually called "the Magione." The construction of this splendid church began around 1170 under the direction of Matthew D'Aiello, a chancellor of the KingHenry VI. It initially served as a monastery of the Cistercians, whose cloister still stands next to the church. As King of Sicily, Henry VI von Hohenstaufen (ruled 1194-1197) confiscated the complex and erected a commandery of the Teutonic Order, which established it as their conventual seat for western Sicily. The presence of the Teutonic Knights reflected Henry's attempt to bring a German influence to the Sicilian court. His premature death changed this, but the Teutonic knights remained until the fifteenth century. In 1787, With its sweeping arches, the Magione embodies a more typically Northern European style clearly influenced by the early Gothic. It has a transept, pointed roof, and no tower or cupolas. Baroque elements added over the centuries were removed during an extensive restoration following the damage inflicted during the Allied bombardment of 1943. Restoration of the cloister continue. The Magione one sees today is very similar to the church as it appeared when it was built.