Duomo di Monreale
The Duomo di Monreale of 1172 is one of the monuments that represent the Arabo-Normanna architecture. In fact, along with the Cattedrale di Palermo and the Duomo di Cefalù is a candidate to join the Unesco heritage. According to legend the King, G uglielmo II , il Buono , has fallen asleep under a tree in the woods of Monreale, had an apparition. The Virgin Mary urged him to build a temple on that spot in his honor and to keep the promise, William II called it the best Greek-Byzantine mosaicists masters. The Church assumed a double political function, demonstrate new Regno di Sicilia strength against Byzantium and the Vatican, the two main competitors of Wilhelm II. To make it more explicit, the King made a gorgeous image and incomparable mosaic paintings of the Cathedral, in the Act of welcoming gift to the Virgin the new Cathedral consecrated to her. The Cathedral of Monreale and Palermo Cathedral rival both in terms of political significance that covered, and architecture. Beautiful and unique within its walls the first. Wonderful and beautiful outside the second. The more stripped down outside the Cathedral, as it is rich in decorations and architectural equipment the Cathedral which is in turn strips inside. The Cathedral houses the tombs on the right side of the two Kings William I and II said the good. On the left side rests the Queen Margaret of Navarre, wife of William I, and son Roger and Henry.
Outside are seeing the two bronze portals, under the Central porch and at the central arch dating to the 10th century and the Bell Tower on the left, never completed.