Palazzo dei Normanni or real

The Royal Palace or dei Normanni in Palermo was constructed in the highest place of the city, above an ancient Punic settlement whose remains are visible in the basement. The Palace is the oldest Royal residence in Europe and Imperial headquarters with Frederick II and Conrad IV, is the most visited monument of Palermo and current seat of the Sicilian Regional Assembly. During the Arab domination was erected the first nucleus with defensive functions and took the name of "Qasr" but when they arrived the Normans in 1072, was enlarged and converted into a royal residence from Roger II of Hauteville whose rooms, beautifully decorated with mosaic, lie within the Pisan Tower. The building incorporates the Cappella Palatina, the museo della Specola and the Astronomical Observatory.

Botero in Palermo. The stations of the cross for the first time in Italy exhibited at the Palazzo Reale

From Saturday 21 March to Sunday June 21, 2015 Palermo will host the exhibition "Via Crucis. La pasión de Cristo "by Fernando Botero. After the exhibitions in New York, Lisbon and Panama, the view (consisting of 27 oil paintings and 34 drawings) will be the only Italian stage. The event could prove to be a great opportunity for cultural tourism in the capital, during the whole period of the exhibition the cost of admission tickets to the Monumental Royal Palace will be consolidated with that of the exhibition.

The single ticket on days when you visit the Palatine Chapel is only € 10,00 with PMOCard € 9,50

The single ticket on days when you visit the Royal apartments and Capella Palatina is € 12,00 with PMOCard € 11,50

Visiting hours

From Monday to Saturday
8.15 a.m. at 17.40, last admission 17.00hours.

Sunday & holidays
8.15 a.m. to 13.00hours, last admission at 12.15.

From Tuesday to Thursday, access to Royal apartments is not allowed for parliamentary work, but you can visit the Palatine Chapel.

For institutional reasons Real apartments can be disabled unexpectedly.


Piazza Indipendenza, 1 - 90129 Palermo
Tel. +39 091 626 2833


bus 104 105 108 118 304 309 318 327 339 389

Visit website

Our Conventions

Admission free until 14 years

Entrance to the Royal Palace and the Palatine Chapel
From Friday to Monday, and holidays

Full price:$8.50
Price PMO:$8.00

Valid only for the owner of the PMO CARD

Entrance to Palazzo dei Normanni and Cappella Palatina
Since access to the Royal apartments is not allowed for parliamentary business.

Full price:$7.00
Price PMO:$6.50

Valid only for the owner of the PMO CARD

Be sure to visit the ground floor our bookshop where you can find, in addition to various publications on the monumental and the Cappella Palatina, books of history and history of art, audiovisual materials, trinkets, catalogues exhibitions organised by the Fondazione Federico II and objects typical of the Sicilian tradition, such as the ceramics of Caltagirone. The bookshop has automatic equipment for the distribution of beverages and snacks.

Discount PMO:10%

Valid only for the owner of the PMO CARD