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The CralItalia promoted between the partners PmoCard

опубликованный mercoledì 11 giugno 2014 09:00

Members CRAL throughout Italy may have the PmoCard with discount

Members CRAL throughout Italy may have the PmoCard with discount

Cralitalia Association members can purchase the Pmocard with discount. Just log in to the site pmocard and enter the code, pay and print your voucher for retiring to Palermo of the Card. Article published on www.cralitalia.it Dear members, Cral Italy thanked the new NFC agreement ITALY S.r.l. for discounts and benefits offered to members. The initiative of NFC ITALIA srl gave birth to Palermo to PmoTouristCard, the interactive service cards dedicated to incoming tourism market. The PMO Tourist Card makes the most comfortable vacation and the discovery of a thousand secrets of Palermo, the advantages of the Card include all major Museum sites, architectural, historical and cultural of Palermo. The discounts apply to craft shops and stores, restaurants and pubs at which to buy or enjoy the street-food and gastronomic specialities of Palermo. Move to the city to reach the churches, museums and theatres, to visit with the reduced ticket, is easy with free tickets of the Amat spa, CitySightseeing bus ticket and discounts on taxis and ApeTour. Members Cral Italy who want to buy the card for stays in Palermo is for 15% discount on the official prices. To get the discount you have to connect to the site http://www.pmocard.it/it/contatti and fill out the form on the page, or send an email to [email protected] requesting your password in order to access the purchase page of the card. The PmoTouristCard is rated and can be purchased in three different types, from 24-48-72 hours plus the Cruise for cruise passengers. The card must be purchased online at the following address: http://www.pmocard.it/it/shop. The system will issue a voucher which should be printed and then exhibited in Palermo, at one of the outlets: kiosk in piazza Verdi (Teatro Massimo), Via Ruggero Settimo (Central) Independence Square (near palazzo dei normanni) at the entrance to the harbour.

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