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The PmoCard from Miami moves to the BMT of Naples

опубликованный giovedì 3 aprile 2014 09:00

The BMT of Naples the incoming reference point around the South

The BMT of Naples the incoming reference point around the South

From 4 to 6 April in Naples, BMT Borsa Mediterranea del Turismo will take place. In recent years, the incoming southern Italy goes from BMT. And in Naples the PmoCard can't miss that goes to promote the new product aimed at tourists and visitors. For that target species that invests in a journey not really organized but not totally devoid of reference points. In fact, it is precisely in this way moves the Pmo that has integrated useful services to travelers who want to discover Palermo. Thanks to concessions, discounts and reductions for urban transport, public and free with discount from 15% to 35% for private ones, Taxi, ApeTour, Citysightseeing and car rentals, anyone can move freely and with considerable savings for Palermo and surrounding areas, Monreale or Mondello . Discount up to 20% on commercial activities handmade in Sicily the town and of the Rinascente, allows you to make safe and convenient shopping. There's a reduction on tickets for the major cultural sites of the city, Musei, Chiese e Teatri and the discount up to 25% on the most exclusive catering and activities assistenza sanitaria . BMTWill be present at all national and international carriers, tour operators and shipping companies to which propose and introduce the new PmoCard.

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