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Jan Karski. A mission for humanity

опубликованный giovedì 18 giugno 2015 09:00

Exhibition of the Museum of the history of Warsaw Poland

Exhibition of the Museum of the history of Warsaw Poland

At the conclusion of the celebrations of the centenary of the birth of Jan Karski in 2014
Branciforte Palace hosts a documentary exhibition dedicated to Polish diplomat
and its human and political story so closely related to the sad events of
Second World War and the Holocaust.

Palazzo Branciforte
The Palace ticket purchase entitles you to a visit of all the open spaces to
public (sale of the collections of sculptures, of numismatics, philately, library's,
Mount of the pawns and Riding). The visit is made every 60 minutes, accompanied by
specialized staff that illustrates every environment visited briefly.
Duration: 45 minutes

20 February-5 March
Free entrance (view Jan Karski)
Reduced € 5,00 (Palace)
6-15 March:
€ 3,00 (view Jan Karski)
Entire Reduced € 7,00 € 5,00 (Palace)

Business Hours
Until 28 February: Tuesday-Sunday 9.30-14.30
From 1 March: Tuesday-Sunday 9.30-19.30
Closed on Mondays
The ticket office closes one hour before

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