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The Foundation Frederick II in PmoCard circuit.

Pubblicata martedì 18 marzo 2014 12:00

The Foundation Frederick II in PmoCard circuit.

The private entities that manage cultural sites and museums to Palermo have welcomed the proposal to enter into an agreement with the PmoCard Pmo property stands the scalo aeroportuale identification of Palermo, the PmoCard, on the other hand, is one tourist card with which were integrated services for travelers visiting the city. Card holders have agevolato access to trasporto pubblico significant discounts on Amat and private ones, on ApeTour, on taxis and bus Citysightseeing. The card also provides interesting discounts on purchases of products in Sicily on hanmade gatronomie and on the street-food. All information about the card are available at www.pmocard.it.
The card can be acquistare directly from the site, near the convenzionate via edicole Ruggero Settimo, Piazza Verdi or at the port or at the B & B and conventioned structures. Membership of the Foundation Federico II circuit, in addition to reducing the entry ticket to the Palatine Chapel, the sito most culturale visited in Palermo, guarantees the discount on purchases at bookshop . Membership of the University, instead, makes it easier to introduce to turisti its relevant Museum sites, from Doderlain, to the Museum Museo , the botanical gardens Gemellaro, to continue with those created by the various departments, the radiology Museum or the Museum of engines.
The puppet Museum, finally, whose cultural significance is out of the question because it collects specimens from all cultures of the world, for its location is easily accessible also for the Mediterraneo transit croceristi from the port.

Press Office Roberto Conigliaro [email protected] 3476226793

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